5 Ways I Cope with Anxiety


That’s what anxiety gets you. I was watching an episode of “This Is Us” when Randall envisioned what life would have been like if he had said something different to his father before he went back into their burning house that would have swayed him away and ultimately saved his life. Anxiety and obsession are a lot like that, right?

My anxiety is a lot like that. People in my life couldn’t understand why I obsessed over the smallest things. If I wanted to do something, I had to repeat it over and over until it's done. If I had been in a conversation with someone, I would later analyze everything I said fearing that I said something wrong. I could have a lot of fun and later feel guilt because perhaps I was doing too much. When I have to make a decision, I drown myself in “what-ifs” until I ultimately make no decision at all or lean on someone else to make it for me. That is what my anxiety looks like.

So as I watched the episode, I couldn’t help but be filled with emotions as my eyes glossed over in angst. Living with this ‘thing’ has held me back for so long from accomplishing the type of goals I’ve always had in me. Things I really want to do. The insecurity and fear that it has created in my life have been a detriment. But in recognizing it, I have been able to work even harder at working through it.

Starting this blog was my first step in overcoming it. Because becoming the center of attention has been my ultimate fear. A burden that I have had to bear for my entire life. I don’t want that anymore. No more than I want my kids to inherit it. So, I’m taking all of the steps that I can to move forward. Here are a few things that have worked for me so far. And no, I am not a professional. Just an everyday woman sharing my personal triumphs and failures in the hope to inspire others like me.

Here’s how I cope.

Set your own time limits.

This means really taking a step back and understanding that not everything has to be rushed. Most decisions can be made in due time but I find I become more anxious when I have too much or all the time I need to make a decision.  Why? Because I go into a rabbit hole of analyzing each option over and over again. So, to ensure I make them with little fuss, I sometimes create my own deadline even if there is no need for one.

Write it out.

Journaling, creating these blog posts, and even jotting down quick thoughts that come to mind in the Notes app on my phone have saved me a lot of restless nights and uncomfortable feelings.

Put yourself out more.

This has been the most difficult to adapt to, but I have been making myself more comfortable in my personal life, on social media, and in my career by sharing more of my thoughts and ideas, images, and even skill sets that I’ve been too afraid that I wasn’t good enough for.

Stop waiting for others.

Sometimes anxiety sneaks in when you’re waiting on someone else to move so you can make your next step. For me, this is a struggle. As I mentioned earlier, once I have my mind set on doing something it becomes an obsession. So, I have tried to stop basing those needs on if someone else can do it with me and focus more on being able to do it alone. Leave them if you must, but whatever you desire in your heart to create, enjoy, experience, etc., do it, even if it’s alone.

Enjoy the moment.

Admittedly, thanks to the pandemic, I haven’t had a whole lot of interaction outside of my home but as things have ramped back up and I am given the opportunity to hang with friends and family, I have been practicing enjoying the moment and NOT coming home to feelings of guilt or regret about something I said or did. A work in progress, but I try my best to remember that most people aren’t even remotely thinking about me after we’ve parted (or when we’re together for that matter) and that having fun looks different for everyone. AND THAT’S OKAY!

If you are anything like me and you’ve felt these big feelings before, I hope that you can take something from this. And that something will help you. But remember, I am no professional psychologist, so they will always reign Queen in what will work best for you!

What would you add to this list?